
We have 15 Years of Experience of any kind IT solutions

In view of rising demand and growing IT systems and solutions market, we are in the midst of developing the corporate IT software and provide excellent IT solutions within Malaysia. 

Contact us no matter you need an IT solution for your business, increase your productivity or simplify your work process.

Provide all kind of IT services and solutions

Solutions for all IT security, hardware and infrastructure

Most expert peoples with IT knowledge and experiences

Provide Global Support to Our Clients

We Have Global Network Of Clients

We provide business-driven, pragmatic and actionable advice to help customers acquire and effectively exploit systems operationally.

Service Area

We have 15 years experience in IT

In view of rising demand and growing mobile solutions market, we are in the midst of developing the corporate IT software and provide excellent mobile app solutions within Malaysia.

Improving IT solutions and systems is relatively important for a company. We are willing to assist any company to improve their IT systems

tiseno logo

Our Team

We have a highly experienced passionate team of mobile developers and designers who provide consulting, development and project delivery.